Moringa Honey – Honey bees CANNOT & DO NOT transfer Moringa Vitamins, nutreints, etc. into their honey

Moringa Honey – Honey bees CANNOT & DO NOT transfer Moringa Vitamins, nutreints, etc. into their honey
They do, however do create anti bacterial properties in their honey.

Honey bees Cannot & DO NOT transfer the multitude of Moringa nutrients, psyto-nutreints, etc. into their honey.

Therefore one cannot obtain Moringa Honey from the traditionsl bee hive. There is a powerful need to use herbal infusion to ENSURE a very high degree of Moringa nutreints transfer.

[ HERBAL (bio-active) honey is derived by infusing herbal preparations into the honey. The higher bio-active the herb is, the higher the bio-active amounts are transferred. Important points being, using real, raw honey, infusing duration, temperature ranges, and types of infusion methods ]

Honey bees ALSO require different pollen, nectar, during different stages and ages of their lives and this is the same case for the different structural & building stages of their hives.

If honey bees are trapped to exist with no variety of pollen, nectar, they perish or have very short stunted lifes. Honey bees travel up to a diameter of 16 kilometers to achieve these requirements.

13b Johnston Street, Cairns, Queensland 4870
Weekdays 10am to 4pm. 07 40551888 or 1800 140 826

Please check out our main website and our online shop below
Moringa Honey -Moringa Farm Australia, Cairns 2011-2020

Moringa Capsules are also available at our farm Shop and online


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